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The Importance of Voting

By Akina Nanayakkara

Abraham Lincoln once said, “the ballot is stronger than the bullet”. This could not be more true in the current climate. Voting is a powerful tool wielded by every citizen to enable them to be proactive in solving the issues that surround them. 

The history of voting has been a strenuous battle with many sacrifices made to achieve the progressions we have made in the present day. Towards 1828 was the era that paved the way for citizens to achieve the vote regardless of class or religion, however, this was still restricted to white male voters. Further Progressions came by 1870 after the passing of the 15th amendment allowing the vote for all males regardless of race.1920 was the year the vote was granted to women after the passing of the 19th amendment, this was 72 years since the first woman's rights convention in New York City. 

It is evident that voting rights have progressed enormously allowing for a greater body of voters to have the opportunity to mold their own future. Therefore taking into account the momentous sacrifices our ancestors made for this right only puts more emphasis and importance on our vote. Voting is far more than electing an individual, voting also incorporates the policies that a particular candidate stands for, the policies that will inevitably shape the future. 

The outcome of voting impacts decisions made in all sectors of society. Sectors such as health care, education immigration, taxation as well as many more societal issues. Your vote may seem insignificant in the grand scheme, however, this is far from true. For example in the 2000 election Al gore lost by a small margin. The outcome of the entire election became dependent on a recount done in Florida. Finally, George W Bush became the 43rd president due to a marginal win of 537 voters in Florida. This was an astonishingly small difference considering this margin was 0.009 percent of voters. Had 538 people voted Al Gore as their candidate, there could have been a completely different president and in turn a completely different future. Therefore it is clear to reiterate the importance and value of your single vote as you are essentially voting for the future you want.

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