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Stress Soothing

Updated: Jul 24, 2020

Written by: F.L.

With Covid-19 spreading through the world crashing stock markets, increasing unemployment rates, and posing as a life-threatening pandemic, it’s not a surprise that stress levels are increasing. The high amounts of stress are affecting the mental health of many people and it is important to get this under control through a healthier and happier lifestyle. Let’s dive into ways to relieve and appease stress to find mental calmness and create a zen atmosphere.

A great way to relieve stress is by practicing yoga. Not only will this improve balance, fit, and flexibility, but it will also increase the strength and range of motion. Yoga is a great way to cope with stress especially when combined with the art of meditation. By focusing the entire body on relaxing, a tranquil environment is created in and out of the body. This can be done in a solitary, quiet room, or with peaceful meditation music playing in the background.

Another way to take your mind off of stressful topics is by reading. Particularly, reading fiction. Take a break from the problems of the real world and jump into a mystery or an adventure novel to experience the world of a different character. When engaged in an enthusiastic story, the body will calm itself down, and will as a whole start to relax. During this quarantine, there are a lot more in-home options that are more likely to occur, and reading is a great way to start that.

Music. Just listen to music. Not the hip-hop, R&B, and rap genres, but the slower and happier genres such as Indie-pop, or especially classical. Although listening to Drake’s new mixtape sounds like a great idea, venturing to a calmer more musically incorporated genre of music can serve as a healthy way to feel less stressed. The body will relax when sensing calming tones, and it will ease the mind as well.

Take a break from that coffee. Coffee is a popular morning beverage that helps people stay awake throughout the day, but considering a stop to caffeine may help the body in many ways. Caffeine tends to add stress by increasing rate of motion and heart rate. Instead of caffeine, try alternative drinks and sleeping on time. This will keep both the mind and body healthy, and stress relieved.

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