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Emotional Wellness Month

 By: Leslie Gomez 

For October, Emotional Wellness Month is an important topic for all individuals. During this month, the overall focus is on mental health and self-care. There are times when we get so caught up in certain moments where we forget about taking care of ourselves. It’s important to give ourselves some love and appreciation. This is why Emotional Wellness Month’s purpose is to focus on disconnecting and taking time for ourselves. Overall, emotional wellness is a strive and progress towards reducing stress, self-care, and mental health. 

As stated, emotional wellness inspires us to take care of ourselves. Self-care, relaxation, stress reduction, and development of inner strength take major roles in that. The benefits of emotional wellness consist of:

  • Allowing us to accept how we are feeling. Accepting our feelings helps us acknowledge those emotions that later on will continue to bottle up if avoided.

  • Helps us make healthy choices. We make better choices when calm and focused. 

  • We have healthier relationships. It’s important to be around people that make us feel good and happy, not those who make us feel upset and later on can become toxic. 

  • Achieving our goals. Emotional wellness can guide us through a journey where we are confident in ourselves, when our goals are being achieved. 

  • Helps us handle life’s stresses. Life can be stressful, but you can manage that stress. 

  • We keep ourselves motivated. When we feel discouraged, that’s where our motivation to strive comes in. 

  • Useful way to practice engaging in the present. Live in the moment. 

  • Helps us accept events and feelings without judgement. Accept yourself. 

  • Moving through life with calm and ease. Live life. Have joyful and calmful moments. 

There are various examples of Emotional Wellness. These different ways allow you to prosper. Ways such as:

  • Reminding yourself to stay positive. Even when it seems impossible, you got this. 

  • Seeking/accepting help and support when needed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

  • Having gratitude in your life. Be grateful for the little things. There is so much to be grateful for. 

  •  Practicing being mindful. Be open-minded. Open to new opportunities. 

  • Accepting, learning, and growing from mistakes. Don’t stay stuck in your past.

  • Being optimistic. Look forward to a great life. 

  • Continuing to use your confident attitude. Be confident in yourself.

  • Improving decision-making skills. Develop useful skills. 

Improving one’s emotional wellness is a journey. Everyone goes at their own pace. Here are some tips on how to improve your emotional health:

  • Manage stress. Managing stress can sound difficult, but never impossible. Learn and use relaxation methods to cope with the stress. Find outlets that personally help you. 

  • Stay determined. Don’t give up on yourself. You’re your own limit. 

  • Be positive. You got this. Have a positive mindset, don’t doubt yourself. 

  • Seek for balance. Strive to find a balancing lifestyle. Remember to make time for the little things you enjoy as well. 

  • Accept your mistakes. You’re allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. 

  • “This too shall pass.” Remember that what you’re going through is temporary. It will pass.

Maintaining emotional wellness is a necessity when taking care of oneself. Many people question and wonder how they can maintain their emotional health. Here are some few ways:

  • Be aware of your own emotions and reactions. You’re human. You will feel emotions and react to those feelings. That’s okay. 

  • Express your feelings. Feel those emotions. Express them. Express how you feel in that moment. 

  • Think before you react. There are moments where you will need to think to yourself. Be calm before you react. 

  • Take care of your physical health. Apart from your mental health, physical health is important. Keep both from affecting each other by balancing them. 

  • Connect with people. As humans, we need interaction. Connect with your friends, go out to lunch, have a Facetime call. 

  • Find your purpose. Figure out what’s important to you. Focus on things that are meaningful to you. 

Self-care is essential. It makes you feel good. Here are some ways you can take care of yourself and have some type of fun: 

  • Have a mini dance party. Dance by yourself or with a partner. Feel the beat of the music. 

  • Meditate. Let loose, feel the motion. 

  • Try yoga. This form of exercise can help with relaxation. 

  • Rest. Get some rest. Sleep. Take a nap. 

  • Exercise. Exercising can be a form of reducing stress. Break a sweat. 

  • Have a delicious meal. Enjoy a favorite food you may have. Savor it. 

  • Journal. Write down your thoughts. Carry away with your writing.

  • Draw/Paint. Let yourself express your own creativity. 

  • Read. Explore reading. Explore your learning. 

  • Plant. Plant your own little garden. Interact with your plants. 

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